If you enjoyed the last Avatar game, I would say that you will probably like Avatar: The Last Airbender – Into the Inferno. However, it is like they just wanted to give people the gist of what was going down. They try to give the story the TV-style by having different chapters like in the show. It skims over a great deal of it and many of the chapters are missing. Avatar: The Last Airbender – Into the Inferno as I said is based on the latter two seasons of the show, but it is a rather loose retelling of the story. The idea of the game not being set during the first couple of seasons is something I was pretty excited about as it felt like I had played that story arc to death. This game was released on the PlayStation 2, Nintendo Wii and there was also a different version with the same name released for the Nintendo DS too. I remember during this era it felt like we were getting a ton of games based on the series and to be fair, if you liked the show most of them were ok.

Taking place during the show's 3rd and final season, Avatar: The Last Airbender – Into the Inferno was a game many fans were excited about.